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a place for all to shine and grow!


O U R   L E A R N I N G

FUMCN draws from several developmentally appropriate practices to best meet the needs of each individual learner that attends our school.

Image by Julietta Watson

play-based learning

FUMCN first and foremost embraces play-based learning.  It is clear from ECE research that play is the child’s context for learning, especially when supported by the teacher.  Through play, a child develops social-emotional skills, cognitive skills, literacy and language skills as well developing fine and gross motor skills.  With an experienced teaching team, such as we have at FUMCN, a child’s natural interests and explorations are validated and encouraged, leading to an increase in confidence, persistence and enthusiasm for learning.


FUMCN is a Reggio-inspired preschool that supports children as they construct their own learning through direct experiences and a responsive environment.  Our teachers give children the freedom to express and explore ideas using movement, art, music and intentional materials. By working in small groups, differentiated by development and age, children practice working cooperatively, sharing their views and developing a growth mindset.

Image by Jelleke Vanooteghem
Image by luis arias

steam emphasis

The strengths of the teachers are also reflected in the variety of STEAM activities that are offered throughout the day, in small group activities as well as specific afternoon Enrichment classes.  Activities such a “Worm-a-palooza,” studying the works of famous artists or learning about the science of bubbles all lead to a lifelong love of learning, starting with our youngest citizens.

place-based learning

FUMCN reflects a deep connection to place-based learning as our frequent field trips connect us to our greater community and the natural rhythms of our environment inform our learning.

Image by Jen Theodore

Social justice, inclusion and diversity are also an integral part of the rhythm of our day.  By welcoming families into the classroom to share their rituals and culture on a regular basis to daily language that shows respect and value for all who are part of our community, these values are built into the fabric of our school.  

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First United Methodist Cooperative Nursery   


120 S. State Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104  |  734.662.7660

FUMCN recognizes and embraces all families. We do not discriminate based on religion, ability, race, ethnicity, nationality, family orientation, sex, or sexual orientation. All are welcome.

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