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first united methodist cooperative nursery

c o - o p   p r e s c h o o l   i n   d o w n t o w n   a n n   a r b o r

a   s t a r - r a t e d   g r e a t   s t a r t   t o   q u a l i t y

our mission:

To support and nurture the children of FUMCN, as well as parents/guardians and staff.


To develop lifelong learners who have a spirit of curiosity, perseverance, and humility.


To create a profound sense of community that lasts beyond the preschool years.


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why pick us?

“My children have thrived in the FUMCN classrooms. The teachers show amazing patience and excitement while meeting the individual needs of their students. My children have learned compassion, turn-taking, and even table manners as well as the academic skills I expect them to learn at school. There is an atmosphere of fun and exploration at FUMCN. My kids have learned about science concepts while playing in shaving cream in the texture table. They have learned about good nutrition while cooking foods with friends. As a mom, I especially appreciate the messy glitter painting, bug experiments and mud day celebration that happens AT SCHOOL and not in my house!”


F O L L O W   U S   O N

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